Every situation has a silver lining – discover a mindset that heals and enlightens.

March 8, 2021 · 7 min read

not good enough
Before you devalue yourself with self-harming thoughts, shower yourself with a dose of kindness and self-love

Want to step out of the “never feel good enough feeling” zone, but you always surrender yourself to these meaningless words and toxic thoughts?


Then, your situation is understandable.


Remember that you’re not alone. These are the well-known thoughts that every human creature usually crafts in their mind.


Thus, before hurting your self-esteem and devaluing yourself, you need to explore all the optimistic ways that will lead you in a forward direction.


Now, put all toxic thoughts aside. Well, it’s quite a challenging task and seems hard to put it in practice. What if we at least try by showering a dose of kindness to ourselves?

not good enough

But amid all frustrating thoughts, a beacon of hope is waiting for you. In that regard, you just have to make a promise to yourself.


A promise to follow 10 ways to stop “never feel good enough feeling”.


Indeed, there are numerous reasons behind these self-devaluation thoughts.


But, here we will discuss three major reasons behind all worthless thoughts that make our lives miserable.


After reading all of this, you will have all tools to become more confident.


Most importantly, we believe in you and we know that you will beat all negative feelings and come out like a champion.


Let’s check out the basic reasons behind all discouraging thoughts.

3 Major Reasons Behind “I Am Not Good Enough”

You feel that “I am not good enough” due to lack of self-confidence. You don’t believe in your thoughts, beliefs and actions. If you feel like you are not good enough,  you always look for validation from other people. 

not good enough

Nevertheless, you can absolutely change that.


But first, let’s dig deeper to understand the situation better by starting analyzing the cause that makes you feel that way.

1. You Devalue Yourself

Firstly, you have to sort out the main feeling behind low self-esteem and a shattered personality that is devaluing yourself.


However, when you always put yourself as an inferior creature in front of everyone, what can you expect from others?


Do they value your opinion?


A big No! Because nobody is going to own a shattered person.


Therefore, devaluing yourself will not make you a confident person.


As a result, you will always portray your flaws instead of perfections. So, devaluation is the major factor to defeat.

2. You Blindly Believe What Others Say

Are you that person who always believes blindly in others’ thoughts who always bully you?


Then, you’re suffering from a lack of self-belief.

not good enough

The reason is that you are always focusing upon what others believe about you.


It will result in finding yourself in a prison cell built by others for you.


If you’re surrounded by a specific group of people around you who always hurt your self-respect, you have to avoid that specific group of failures that always belittle you.

3. You Don’t Receive Enough Attention

You might have grown from childhood to adulthood without experiencing an emotional attachment from your parents or caretakers.


Then, an inferiority complex may surround you that “you’re not good enough”.


This distressing feeling can suck your all-pleasing moments.

not good enough

Human nature believes in getting attention and appreciation from the world to feel worthy.


That emotional trauma could be a basic reason for not feeling good enough.

10 Ways To Stop “Never Feel Good Enough Feeling”

Let’s seek a valid answer to the query that “why I am not good enough?”


Life is not about wasting time to regret the things that you’re not responsible for.


It’s the right time to embrace yourself with a token of love that you always expect from others.


It is the time to become more confident and stop doubting your actions and thoughts.


Hopefully, these productive ways may help you to clear all pessimistic thoughts clouding over your mind.

1. Stop Self-Rejecting Yourself

The biggest flaw that everybody should get over is self-rejection.


Rejecting yourself before doing any certain task that you always dream of is a kind of self-rejection. In that case, you can’t grow by limiting yourself to only a few things.


Do you know that human beings are adaptation machines? In that regard, our brains work quite fast in building connections about everything that we think.

not good enough

As a result, we justify our failures as the limited boundaries that human beings have to live in.

Therefore, try to fight your inner fears and welcome every new experience.


 Consequently, you will feel a river of joy within you.


Go ahead and start doing things that you always want to do.

2. Don’t Step Into The Comparison Trap

Stop comparing yourself to others. That creates a chain of negative reactions and you feel less significant and important

The most common trap that is leading all of us to a miserable world is the comparison trap.


However, if you’re also prey to this trap, then you will probably consider yourself a dumb and goof soul that has no potential to compete with others.


Despite this, you always spend your time thinking about others’ successful and luxurious lives.


This mindset will never encourage you to achieve your goals.


Comparing your first stage to somebody’s last stage will always push you towards a valley of hopelessness.

not good enough

Moreover, stop believing everything that people use to expose on social platforms. The reality is quite far away from these so-called cheerful stories.



Surely, you can get inspiration from someone’s life and motivate yourself to do great things. 


But, always remember that everybody has to pass through a special process to reach a specific level of greatness.



For this reason, build your roadmap that will directly take you towards your destination.

3. Build A Habit To Learn From Mistakes

Do not be afraid to look back at your mistakes and face them. Own them and learn for them.

Do you always make mistakes? You can laugh out loud at this silly question.


Well, nobody in the whole world got perfection without making mistakes.


However, it’s a built-in feature that this human race owns. In other words, you can call it a blessing that can fix your every flaw and in return provide wings to your thoughts.


Most importantly, adopt the habit of learning from your mistakes instead of making a pile of all faults.


So, learning from your mistakes will revolutionize your life and every mistake will earn the title of experience.


Above all, fall in love with the process of learning and master the art of perfection and you will get rid of the never feel good enough feeling.

4. Be Grateful For Everything

Put aside all pessimistic thoughts and let’s show some gratitude for everything you have in life.


So, do you have anything that you are always grateful for?

not good enough

In that case, you may start thinking about things that you have in your life. The best strategy that everybody can implement in their lives is making a list.


Take a blank paper and pencil and start writing. Over time, this list will surprise you.


Moreover, a feeling of gratitude will take over your mind for getting every possible thing that you need to survive.


So, from now on we will make a gratitude list after every week. Without a doubt, you will start gaining your self-confidence.

5. Pour A Cascade Of Self-Love

Do you believe in loving yourself badly that you’re no more in pursuit of another individual to complete you?


Then, you’re greatly in love with yourself. Investing your valuable time to explore yourself will always pay off.


Indeed, pouring a cascade of self-love is the best thing that you can do for yourself.

healthy mindset

Because our pretty souls deserve love and our minds are desperately waiting to hear “I am good enough”.


So, stop waiting for someone to come into your life to complete you. You have to complete yourself by celebrating every small moment that brings happiness to your life.


From now, just take 30 minutes from your busy life and do every possible act that brings peace and calmness to your mind.

6. Adapt Engineer’s Mindset

You might be surrounded by a number of problems that always move you towards anxiety and depression.


In that case, you should focus on solutions rather than problems.


Engineers are  confident, because they believe in their actions and they perceive errors and mistakes to become wiser and confident.


Although, if you’re considering all fundamental problems as unsolvable flaws, this specific approach will mislead you.


Stop stuffing your mind with problems. You have to utilize every ounce of your energy to find solutions.


Moreover, discuss your problems with your friends, your soulmate, your parents.


As a result, you will get multiple solutions to your problems.

7. Come Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Start taking risks. Become adventurous in your life.

Are you’re willing to know why “I am not good enough?”


Then, take some time for self-evaluation.


Maybe you’re already living within your comfort zone. Therefore, you’re not seeking any improvement within yourself.



Let’s come out from your comfort zone that is the major obstacle in your way to prosperity. Therefore, you should challenge yourself every day.


Always set higher goals and struggle to achieve them.

not good enough

Take baby steps towards your goals. Moreover, after completing one target, stick to the next one. But, never allow weeds to grow which makes the soil barren and fruitless.


So, the best thing you can do for yourself is to come out of your comfort zone. Be your own hero. Start taking risks and ignore all stupid thoughts. Start working.


As a result, you will experience an optimistic change in your personality. Further, you will start viewing the world from a positive lens.

8. Don’t Get Betrayed By Your Own Beliefs

If you’re a self-believer and believe in yourself, then nobody can defeat you except your own thoughts.


But, how could our thoughts lead us to a worse state?


Human machinery actually works upon the principle of adaptation where the brain performs a fundamental role.

not good enough

If you feed your brain with lame excuses and self-satisfactory thoughts, then your brain will work according to your provided feed.


Therefore, you should understand this phenomenon of never being betrayed by the desire for self-satisfaction.


Because these types of thoughts will never help you to grow in your life.


Always challenge yourself rather than relying on the same resources.

9. Dwell On A Vision To Achieve Goals

A goal should scare you just a tiny bit and EXCITE like nothing would stop you from achieving it.

You’re good enough to dwell on a vision to achieve your goals.



If you’re striving to achieve your goals, then the very first thing that will help you to accomplish your goals is your self-belief.



Whenever you put all your potential to achieve your targets, you will leave with no regrets for your whole life that can demotivate you.

healthy mindset

However, your every effort will lead you closer to your dream. In addition, the feeling of “never feeling good enough” will never over-take your mind.


Consequently, your every struggle will provide fruitful results and you will enjoy your presence rather than blaming yourself for every blunder.


Start living your life with a purpose instead of living to fulfil the purpose of someone else’s life.


Let’s make a difference by prioritizing ourselves.

10. Turn A Deaf Ear To All Critics

If you’re passionate about improving yourself and want to free yourself from the chains of frustrating thoughts, then turn a deaf ear to all critics for a while.


This recommendation can change your thinking perspective.


Because if you’re allowing people to criticize your every move, you’re giving an opportunity to other people to degrade you.


not good enough

Undoubtedly, we all have an inner judgemental voice that is an obstacle to our personal development.


So, you just have to trash out every self-doubting thought that can mislead you. In the end, we have to surround ourselves with optimistic people rather than pessimistic people.


People with self-doubts will always try to exaggerate problems and will always discourage you.


Now, promise yourself that you will never give importance to critics and will follow in the footsteps of successful people.

Final Words

To fully live your life, you have to add ingredients of self-worth and self-love to your life.


Because these elements can make your life worth living. This will make you stop thinking that “I am not good enough” for almost everything that you encounter in your life.


You have to become more confident to ditch this feeling and negative mindset. And, to become confident, you have to improve yourself and perceive mistakes as an opportunity to become better.


In other words, you have to overcome of lack of self-belief. In order to get over this weird feeling, we have provided a detailed list of 10 ways to stop never feel good enough feeling.


These productive ways will help you to make a positive change in your life for sure if you are willing to take your life into your hands and start acting from today.