never settle for less

If you truly want to be happy in life, you must never settle for less than you deserve. You deserve to enjoy life to its fullest.

can't do anything right

You feel like “I can’t do anything right” because you don’t trust yourself. You need to believe in your strengths if you want to achieve anything you want.

i'm scared

It’s important to be mindful when you feel “I’m scared”. In most cases, it’s only your mind playing tricks on you.

can’t feel myself

“Why can’t I feel myself, what’s wrong with me?” It happens because you become too overwhelmed and lose self-identity.

presence of mind

Presence of mind is an ability to keep your mind shard during stressful situations. It helps you to navigate through emotions and intelligence.

fear is the mind killer

Fear is the mind killer because it limits you from achieving your desires. Fear has a big impact on your successful future.